Book your Christmas Mini Session

<img src="image2.jpg" alt="Girl in red dress holding a 4-month-old baby boy, in front of a fireplace and Christmas trees
Little Cuddles Photography

Award Winning Maternity, Family & Pet Photographer Adelaide, SA

Offering in studio and outdoor photoshoots in Adelaide, South Australia

More About Me

"My mission is to provide families with memories that they will cherish forever."

30% off when you book both Maternity and Newborn Photoshoots.

Little Cuddles Photography Adelaide: Newborn photoshoot. Close up of newborn baby sleeping, wrapped in pink

30% off when you book both Maternity and Newborn Photoshoots.

Little Cuddles Photography: black and white maternity image, Pregnant woman in green gown, looking down at baby bump
<img src="younggirllavendarfields.jpg" alt="young girl in lavendar field Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="maternityawardwinningphotoadelaide.jpg" alt="couple holding hands pregnant mother Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="younggirlpinkdressgardenadelaide.jpg" alt="young girl pink dress in garden Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="oneyearoldbabypinkbackdropadela.jpg" alt="baby girl first birthday Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="newbornbabywrappedinwhiteadelaide.jpg" alt="newborn sleeping baby wrapped in white Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="brotherscuddlingadelaide.jpg" alt="young boy and newborn baby boy cuddling Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="pregnantladyinforestadelaide.jpg" alt="pregnant lady red dress Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="boyinparktreetrunkadelaide.jpg" alt=" boy playing in park smiling Adelaide, South Australia">
<img src="newbornbabysleepingwrappedupadelaide.jpg" alt="newborn baby sleeping wrapped up Adelaide South Australia">
<img src="christmasfireplacebrothersadelaide.jpg" alt="Christmas photo brothers fireplace Adelaide South Australia">
<img src="smilingfirstbirthdayphotoshootadelaide.jpg" alt="smiling 1st birthday girl Adelaide South Australia">
<img src="newbornbabysleepingwithreddyadelaide.jpg" alt="newborn baby photoshoot with teddy Adelaide South Australia">
<img src="newbornbabysleepingwrappedupadelaide.jpg" alt="newborn baby sleeping wrapped up Adelaide South Australia">
<img src="motherandbabyinparkadelaide.jpg" alt="mother and baby in park Adelaide South Australia">
<img src="1stbirthdayphotoshootadelaide.jpg" alt="boy 1st birthday photoshoot in park Adelaide South Australia">

Why hire a family photographer?

Time is fleeting, children grow up in the blink of an eye. Photography allow us to hold onto memories and document this precious time.

At Little Cuddles Photography, our passion is in creating memories that you will cherish for years to come.

Book Here
Kind Words
<img src="motheranddaughterphotoshootpadelaide.jpg" alt="mother and daughter photoshoot Adelaide South Australia">

Jenna is amazing!! Great directions, made us feel at ease and relaxed, she was so engaging and encouraging wit my 3yr old the shoot went better than we all expected. And the pictures are magical, we can’t thank you enough Jenna👏🏼🥰 bring on the newborn shoot xx.

<img src="maternityphotoshootadelaidereddress.jpg" alt="maternity photoshoot red dress Adelaide South Australia">

Jenna made us feel totally at ease (as well as before we'd even met her!), and included the whole family (aka our first born... our cockapoo!) and really made it feel like we were with an old friend who happened to have a camera! Her guidance and creativity (finding awesome spots/making best use of colour and light) was awesome- and did I mention that she even helped me pick out an outfit?! (all via messages etc!).

I honestly couldn't rave about our experience with Jenna & Little Cuddles Photography enough

<img src="newbornbabysleepingwrappedupadelaide.jpg" alt="newborn baby sleeping wrapped up Adelaide South Australia">

I highly recommend Jenna. We had a newborn shoot with her and it was very relaxing and enjoyable. Jenna was very friendly and patient & the photos were perfect.